Get my first crypto wallet

This tutorial will guide you through a way to set up Metamask as a browser extension on Google Chrome


Metamask is a decentralized, non-custodial Ethereum-based wallet that allows users to connect to many decentralized applications to store, buy, send, and swap crypto tokens. It’s your first gateway to enter the DeFi ecosystem.

Metamask could be easily accessed as a browser extension that is widely supported on Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge, and Opera

Set up Metamask wallet

You could start by downloading the Metamask by following this link :

Once you finished downloading Metamask, follow these steps to complete the setup:

Click on “Create a new wallet” to start, or if you already have the crypto wallet, click on “Import an existing wallet”.

Create a password for your wallet. This password is used to unlock the Metamask wallet, you could think of it as a password or pin that you use to unlock your mobile or PC device.

One of the most important steps in creating any wallet is the “Secret recovery phrase”. Write it down on a piece of paper in order before proceeding to the next step.

A secret recovery phrase (sometimes called "Seed phrase") is a set of words that could be used to access or recover your wallet. We recommend you write it down on a piece of paper and keep it in your most safe place.

The last thing you need to do is confirm your secret recovery phrase again and that's it, Congratulations, you got your crypto-wallet that is (mostly) ready to dive into the decentralized world.

Last updated