View my loans

You could view all of your current loans on the "My Loan" page living inside the Borrowing page

Each card represents a loan you made with an identical pair of borrowed tokens and collateral tokens. For example, The ETH loan with BNB as collateral will be shown separately from the ETH loan with USDT as collateral.

View loan information, manage and close the loan

Click on each card and you'll be taken to the Loan information page. This is where you could view information on your loan, manage or close the loan

Update the loan's fixed APR

Your loan APR is fixed starting from the time you borrowed the tokens, but FWX provided you the ability to decrease the borrowing APR if the fixed borrowing APR of that tokens decreased.

Click on the "Refresh icon" button to update.

Another case that you could update is when you've not fully repaid the loan after the contract period. Updating the fixed APR will extend the contract period to 28 days again. However, this could lead to an increase in the fixed APR.

The penalty for repaying later than the Fixed APR duration

If you do not repay all the borrowed tokens and interest within the contract period, You will need to repay with a penalty fee.

Penalty fees will increase as time passed, and It will also affect the increasing LTV of the loan. When LTV reached 80%, the loan will be liquidated.

Last updated