Get a Membership NFT

There are 2 ways for you to mint a new Membership NFT, right after you connect a new wallet, or mint anytime inside the membership page.

Mint Membership NFT right after connecting a new wallet

Right after you connect your new wallet to FWX, an alert will appear and guide you to mint a new Membership NFT.

Click on the "Get my NFT membership" button

You could also navigate to the membership page directly by using the left-sidebar

You will be taken to the Membership page. This is where you can view brief information about the NFT membership and its privileges. Click on the "Mint NFT" button to start minting.

A new modal will appear and just click on the "Mint NFT" button, Continue the transaction on Metamask, and you'll get your first Membership NFT on FWX.

Congratulations! You just got your first Membership NFT and could start using FWX DeFi right away.

On your left-hand side, the interface now will show your current active NFT. You could click on the little downward arrow to select or mint more NFTs

Get more NFTs membership anytime

Navigate to the membership page by using the left-sidebar, then click on the "Mint NFT" button to get more NFTs

Last updated