Manage your loan by Borrow more, Repay, or Adjust Collateral

After you complete borrowing tokens, You could manage your loan by Borrowing more tokens, Repaying the loan, or Adjusting the collateral amount.

Click on the "Manage" button, to start managing your loan.

Borrow More

You could borrow more tokens on the existing loan. The LTV value will be changed as affected by the amount of the token you wish to borrow more. However, It is possible to decrease the LTV by borrowing and adding more collateral to the loan.

Repay Loan

This is where you could partially pay back the loan for both borrowed tokens and interest tokens.

Paying back all the borrowed tokens and interest tokens will have the same result as closing a loan.

Adjust Collateral

You could add more or remove the collateral of the loan. Adding more collateral help in decreasing the LTV value.

However, removing collateral increase the LTV value so it is limited to do so. The maximum removable collateral is shown inside the input field.

Last updated